
Applications for admission to Carr Lodge are being managed by Doncaster Council. Please visit to apply. Details for specific year groups can be found below.

Lower Foundation (Nursery)

If places are available children are eligible to be admitted the term after their third birthday and are admitted in criteria and date of birth order. 


1 September and 31 December - is eligible from the start of the Spring Term in January

1 January and 31 March - is eligible from the start of the Summer Term in April

1 April and 31 August - is eligible from the start of the Autumn Term in September

Offer of a nursery place:

Any letters/offers will be sent by Doncaster Admissions  in relation to a September start only

Once you have secured your September place, the school will contact you direct to offer any January or April starts

If an early place is not available the Families Information Service can also provide you with details of other registered providers

Session times:

The Headteacher decides which session a child will attend. Whilst every effort is made to take parents preferred session into account, parents must understand this is not always possible

How do I apply?

For all schools you will need to complete an online form using the link below.

Admissions for September 2024- July 2025 (Child's date of birth 01/09/2020 to 31/08/2021)

You should also use this application if your child would be of the correct age to start early in January or April 2025)
(For example a child who is 3 during the autumn term may be able to start in January if there is a place available)

The admissions process for places for September 2025 is open now

APPLY NOW FOR A NURSERY PLACE FOR SEPT 2025 - JULY 2026 (Child's date of birth 01/09/2021 to 31/08/2022)

Closing date for Nursery applicants is 6 October 2024.


The admissions process for places for September 2022 will be opened soon

Apply for September Reception  - 2025

YOU MUST APPLY AGAIN FOR A RECEPTION PLACE even if you have already attended a Nursery Place with Carr Lodge Academy School

How do I apply?

For all schools you will need to complete an online form using the link below.


Children due to attend full time in a reception class or transferring to a Junior school will shortly be able to apply online. 

Attendance at a school nursery does not normally give you a place (please see the admission policy for individual schools). There is no automatic right of admission into a reception class and all parents must apply for the school they wish to attend. For information on the closing dates for Reception please see the primary admissions page. Primary Admissions

Starting full time in a Reception Class (Sept 2025), 

Reception Year at infant and primary schools -  Closes on 15 January 2025.

Late applications can still be made and will be considered after the announcement date 

National offer date is 16th April 2025 - Parents will be emailed their decision, using the email account used to apply.

The link to enable parent/carers to apply online is

Further information is available from Sarah Millward or Julie Latto in the School Admissions team, please ring: 01302 735988.

Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 (Years 1-6)
Applications for places in Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 are now open. 


Applying for a place in Secondary School.

After Year 6, pupils will transfer to Year 7 of secondary school where they remain until Year 11.

Parents/carers should apply online.  You will receive an automatic receipt and your decision will be sent to you by email on national offer day.

Year 7 at secondary school - closes on the 31st October 2024

However, you may still apply and this will be considered after the national offer date

Parents will be emailed their decision, using the email account used to apply.

For transfers between schools please click here to register through Doncaster Admissions Portal

ELP Admissions Policy 2024/25

Admissions Appeal Process