Our Ethos, Vision and Values

Our Ethos, Vision and Values


Children within our Academy and Trust will always be our main priority, with personalised learning as our starting point, making the challenges of 'Helping Children Achieve More' a reality.

Every child will have the opportunities to expand their horizons, and build the confidence, talents, interests, skills and qualifications to succeed as they make their way towards a fulfilling and prosperous adulthood.

The amount of time children spend in education is finite. We have a responsibility to ensure every moment a child is in our school must be spent productively.

Once wasted, it is gone forever and cannot be given back.

Our Vision

Our vision is to equip young people with the knowledge, skills and mind-set to thrive and then take on the world!

We will achieve our vision by every child developing:

· a greater understanding of themselves as a learner

· recognise what their strengths are

· how they can share their strengths with others

· understand what steps they need to undertake for their continual learning journey

· Pupils will be encouraged and inspired to believe in themselves, build dreams and aspirations and strive to achieve these.

Our Values

INSPIRE - Embodied in the Trust motto, “Every Child, Every Chance, Every Day”, all members of our organisation aim for excellence in their individual professional roles, in our innovative, evidenced-based practice and in our pupils so that we can all fulfil our potential in whatever we aspire to do or be!

INCLUDE - We are concerned with achieving equitable, diverse and quality education for all pupils. Social justice includes a vision of society in which the distribution of resources is equitable and all members are physically and psychologically safe and secure.

INTEGRITY - We respect the individuality of our academies and their communities and always act with integrity. By allowing high levels of autonomy wherever possible, we are able to nurture personalised learning approaches and focus on developing holistic people.

EXCEED - Excellence and enjoyment should be an entitlement for all children and adults working in our Trust. We are developing cutting-edge, research-informed and highly engaging pedagogies that ensure high levels of progress and rapid development of staff; leading to the highest levels of achievement for all!