Kingfisher Childcare


If you need to contact Kingfisher Childcare outside the office hours of 8:30am-4:00pm please email:


Kingfisher Childcare is the name given to the flexible provision offered by Carr Lodge Academy both before and after school.  The provision is available for upper foundation-year 6.

We use our own staff who work in the academy throughout the day in a variety of roles, so the staff are well known to our children.

Children can participate in a variety of age-appropriate activities including arts and crafts, board games, reading, sport, dance and computer based activities.

Breakfast and a light tea is provided. We ask that you inform Carr Lodge Academy of any food allergies and medical conditions in order to safeguard your children.

Kingfisher Childcare operates a ‘safe password’ system for collecting children at the end of the day.

Carr Lodge Academy requests up-to-date details in order to safeguard your children. e.g. safe password, phone numbers, email, and essential information about any relevant circumstances.

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