The School Day
A great deal of importance is placed on good time-keeping in school and we respectfully ask that you ensure that your children arrive at the academy on time.
School Start and Finish Times
Please note from September the timings of the day will be the same for all classes. The arrival period is:
8.40am-8.50am gates and doors will open at 8.40am and will close promptly at 8.50am. This is to ensure learning time can begin at exactly 8.50am for everyone. Collection will be at 3.20pm-3.30pm.
Morning (Morning registration closes at 9.00am)
If your child arrives after 8.50am they must enter the academy through the main reception and be signed in by an adult, explaining the reason for the lateness. Arrival after the close of registers will result in the child receiving an unauthorised absence mark which will affect the overall attendance figure which is published each year.
Arrangements for the start and end of the school day:
If parents/carers are unavoidably delayed and are unable to collect their child at the correct time the teachers will ask the child to remain in the classroom for approximately 10 minutes and then the teacher will take them to Kingfisher childcare, this could incur a charge. We encourage parents to contact the academy if they are going to be late to avoid children getting worried or upset.
Here at Carr Lodge Academy we aim to give your children the very best education possible.
Parent/Carer Guide to Attendance
At Carr Lodge Academy, we believe that attending school regularly is important to ensure the best possible learning outcomes for all of our children. Everyone in our whole school community takes responsibility for attendance. Attending school regularly means:
• Children can make the most of their education, improving their chances in adult life.
• Children will develop their social skills, such as making and keeping friendships.
• A regular and punctual attendance pattern will help children when they enter the world of work.
The Academy has an attendance target of 97% and the biggest barrier to achieving our target is holidays taken during term time.
We ask that holidays are only booked during the academy holiday periods.
We do not authorise term time absences and adhere to government and local authority guidelines with regard to Fixed Penalty Notices.
For further information please refer to the Attendance Policy.
We reward good attendance in a variety of ways:
Prize draws for 100% attendance during a term.
We are very supportive and welcome parents to contact us if there is a problem. Please keep talking to us!
Punctuality and Lateness:
Lateness is disruptive to ALL children and we know that routine is the key to success to make sure children arrive punctually.
If your child arrives after the start of the session but before registers close they will be marked as late and the number of minutes late recorded, but arrival after the close of registers will result in the child receiving an unauthorised absence mark which will affect the overall attendance figure which is published each year.
At home, routine is the key to making simple changes for success. Here are a few tips to try with the family:
• Going to school unprepared can be a major worry for children - help them by checking school bags the night before, packing P.E. bags and keeping an eye on their homework.
• Tired children aren't punctual and find it hard to learn, so ensure your child has a sensible bed time.
• Help them get into a regular routine and set an alarm at the same time every morning.
• Make time for breakfast there will be no stop off at the shops where they can get side tracked on the way to school.
• Children can become unsettled if they have to go into school late and without their friends.
• Have a memory board at home for special trips activities to help remind you and help them remember to prepare for it.
• Try to be strict on absences and show your child that attending school is a priority to you and key to their success
The Academy constantly monitors the registers and will intervene with all cases below 97% or if lateness is becoming a barrier to progress or welfare. Attendance which is below 90% is deemed by the government as Persistently Absent and can result in prosecution.
Attendance Policy Sept 2023 to Sept 2024
Holidays during Term Time and Education Penalty Notice information links