
Why do we teach this? Why do we teach it in the way we do?  

At Carr Lodge Academy, we aim for our pupils to develop an understanding of the world we live in, locally, nationally and globally, while equipping the children with the knowledge to allow them to navigate through life as they develop into independent, inquisitive individuals of the world around them.  

What do we teach? What does this look like?  

At Carr Lodge Academy, our long term plan for the wider curriculum has been strategically planned in to 3 strands; Identity and Social Justice (Autumn term); Power, Leadership and Invasion (Spring term) and Sustainability and the Impact on the World (Summer term). Through these strands, a sequential Geography curriculum is delivered. Units of learning are planned with an overarching enquiry question Examples of these units are -   

Where do I live?  

How has transport changed over time? 

Why do we export from Doncaster?   

Maps are the main drive to our Geography curriculum. They are introduced as early in EYFS using the knowledge of their home to create simple aerial maps of their bedroom. Each year, the children will zoom out to study and create maps of their local area, Doncaster, the UK and eventually different countries around the world. These components of knowledge built upon each year allows the children to progress and develop their knowledge of map work and enables them to explore the wider world that is beyond Carr Lodge Academy.  

Geography Progression Overview