Reward Systems

Positive Relationships and Behaviour

It is a primary aim of our academy that every member of the academy community feels valued and respected, and that each person is treated fairly and well. We are a caring community, whose values are built on mutual trust and respect for all. The academy’s Positive Relationships and Behaviour Policy is therefore designed to support the way in which all members of the academy can learn, work and play together in a supportive way. It aims to promote an environment where everyone feels happy, safe and stimulated. As an academy we feel it is important to promote high expectations of our self and others through a consistent approach which enables parents, pupils and staff to understand our approach to the management of behaviour and promotion of high expectations, respect, manners and relationships.

It is also recognised that for some pupils, adaptations on these procedures will be made to meet Social Emotional Mental Health, Learning or other specific needs. Some pupils may need specific interventions and a personalised Behaviour Support Plan.

Reward Systems at Carr Lodge Academy

Our academy is divided into four ‘houses’.

Dojos (house points) are awarded for demonstrating positive behaviours such as:

·      Modelling the Golden Rules

·      Showing good manners

·      Using Fantastic Walking

·      Acts of Kindness

·      Strong effort and engagement in learning

·      Demonstrating respect of all

·      Excellent attitudes to learning

·      Modelling the learning behaviours

·      Being a Role Model within the community

Dojos are collected in houses on Class Dojo. The totals for each house are collected weekly and shared in Celebration assembly. Each half term the house with the most points is awarded the academy cup and the children in the house receive a reward which is voted for by the children at the start of the term.


Golden Ticket Winner

As an additional incentive the class teacher will select a Golden Ticket winner to also attend the house reward. This is for a child who is not in the winning house but embodies the positive behaviours all term long and is consistently a good role model to all.


Recognition Boards

To develop a sense of team work and intrinsic motivation in the academy and promote our learning behaviours each class has their own ‘Recognition Board’ the purpose of the board is to set a class target linked to positive learning behaviours e.g. ‘To be resilient to our learning...’ this could be set for a lesson, a day, a week etc. The class then aim to work together to get every class member on the board for showing this behaviour and to celebrate when they achieve this as a team.


Celebration Assembly

The academy understands the importance of different levels of praise and recognition. We use weekly celebration assembly to celebrate the efforts and achievements of pupils in and out of school including- Proud Awards, Hand Writer of the Week, Diamond Dash Awards, Reading Rockets and Reading Plus Awards, Sports Awards, Attendance Awards, House Points, Extra Curricular Activity Awards, Charity/Fundraising Achievements.


Proud Awards

Each week, a child from each class, who has strongly demonstrated one of the academy Learning Behaviours is awarded a Proud Award for the behaviour. Adults in assembly share with the school while they have been given the award and what they were doing to demonstrate a good example of that learning behaviour. The child receives the certificate for that learning behaviour and a postcard is sent home in the post to celebrate the achievement with parents/carers.