Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND)

Our aims with regards to SEND Children

Mission Statement

To ensure every child has access to high quality teaching, appropriate  resourcing and enriching experiences in an environment of caring adults to make the best possible progress. 

No limits, no barriers, no excuses. 

Our Vision for Special Educational Needs at Carr Lodge

Here at Carr Lodge we welcome pupils with a wide variety of special educational needs. We see it as our mission to take each unique individual and develop from their needs, the type of environment and learning which enables them to thrive. This means that all staff have an inclusive approach, creating a calm and caring atmosphere and working as a team to maximize staff strengths and continuing to build skills around current pupils’ needs. All children regardless of need are encouraged to participate fully in every aspect of school life and our approach to engagement with parents means that they are central to the process of identifying need and target setting. Ensuring parents’ views determine the way in which assessments are sought, we regularly seek external expertise regularly from outside agencies to adapt and develop personal plans and improve our SEND offer.   

Glossary of SEND

SEND and Looked After Children Sept 2024/2025

Graduated Approach - Doncaster Council

Carr Lodge Academy SEND Policy 2024/2025

SEND Code of Practice July 2015

Intimate Care Policy 2024/25

Doncaster - Local Offer

Useful information about a GDA

Doncaster SEND


Assistant Principal and Inclusion and SENDCo, Mrs S Scurfield

Contact Number 01302 230700